Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is commonly associated with children. However, adults can have ADHD too. Approximately 4% to 5% of American adults live with ADHD — many of whom do not receive treatment [1].

Even when symptoms are managed, ADHD can affect nearly every aspect of your life. That is why you should take steps to make everyday life easier. Here are some strategies to better live with ADHD so that you can live a happier, more fulfilling, and productive life.

Learn more about ADHD and the available treatment options.

Implement These 6 Strategies to Live With ADHD More Easily

Taking small steps each day can have a major ongoing effect on your life.

1. Leverage Organizational and Time Management Tools

Time management and maintaining organization can be tricky when you have ADHD. This can make everyday life challenging. Luckily, there are plenty of tools and apps that can help. Choose an option that best works for you. Here are some ideas:

2. Make Tasks Meaningful or More Appealing

Feeling unmotivated? Having ADHD can make it challenging to complete tasks most people find boring, like cleaning the bathroom or addressing your pile of bills. When you lack interest, it’s tough to focus on these tasks. For some, it can be downright painful.

To tackle must-complete tasks, think about how you can tailor them to your interests. How can you alter tasks to make them work for you? For example, if you hate grocery shopping, why not invite a friend to come with you so you can spend time socializing? Someone close to you, who understands your ADHD, can also help you stay focused on the items you need.

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3. Limit Screen Time

Too much screen time is a concern across the country, with the average American spending over 7 hours looking at a screen daily [2]. Data shows that in response to COVID, screen time has dramatically increased, which is troublesome for individuals with ADHD. There is evidence of a correlation between media use and the severity of ADHD symptoms and behavioral issues [3]. Too much screen time can also make you lose track of time, taking your focus away from important tasks.

A timer works for some. If you plan to spend 15 minutes on social media, set a timer. When the timer goes off, this will grab your attention.

4. Avoid Multitasking

Do you jump from one task to the next, only to find you’re not completing much of all? Multitasking is ineffective and exhausting, which is why you need to come up with strategies to be more productive. Having ADHD makes it tough to plan, make decisions, manage time, and control emotions. This means that you will probably burn more cognitive energy completing a task than someone without ADHD.

5. Eat Well

Experts are not exactly sure why, but ADHD increases your risk of obesity [4]. Some believe it is because individuals with ADHD do not pay attention to what they’re eating or may not sense when they’re full. This can lead to overeating.

There are also some trigger foods that can worsen symptoms, especially those high in sugar. Deficiencies, including a lack of protein, can also worsen symptoms of ADHD. Other nutrients needed to support optimal brain chemical levels and improve nerve cell function include zinc, magnesium, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids. The key is eating a balanced diet void of high-sugar snacks and processed food — especially those made with artificial dyes and preservatives [5].

Read more about the importance of a holistic nutritional detox.

6. Exercise Regularly

Research shows that regular exercise may help reduce symptoms of ADHD [6]. This may be because of the relationship between exercise and the release of certain brain chemicals, including dopamine and norepinephrine. Following exercise, you may experience:

  • Reduced impulsivity
  • Reduced hyperactivity
  • Improved attention
  • Enhanced executive functioning

If you or a loved one need assistance with or are looking for advice on your ADHD symptoms or a co-occurring disorder, Transformations Treatment Center is here for you.

Please contact us to discuss your needs today!

  1. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Adults. Retrieved from
  2. Rebecca Moody. Screen Time Statistics: Average Screen Time in the US. Retrieved from
  3. Anni Layne Rodgers. ADHD Brains on Screens: Decoding a Complicated Relationship. Retrieved from
  4. Fliers et al. ADHD is a risk factor for overweight and obesity in children. Retrieved from
  5. Why Sugar is Kryptonite: ADHD Diet Truths. Retrieved from
  6. Medical News Today. What to know about exercise and ADHD. Retrieved from