Marijuana Addiction Treatment and Rehab

Marijuana Addiction Treatment and RehabWhether or not you experience withdrawal or tolerance as a result of marijuana use, other issues such as being unable to moderate your use or damaged relationships caused by drug use may necessitate getting professional support. Addiction professionals in a rehab or outpatient setting can provide a treatment program that will help you. Learn why you struggle with marijuana use and what you can do to get back control.

On Average, people who seek out treatment to help stop using marijuana have been using the drug every day for 10 years.1 Many people who seek assistance also have mental illnesses that require treatment. Treating co-occurring disorders along with managing marijuana use can help improve outcomes.

Treatment Methods for Marijuana Addiction

Treatment for cannabis use disorder revolves around behavioral therapies, which are also helpful for many mental illnesses. A therapist will help you practice identifying and correcting negative thoughts and behaviors. Using goal-setting and stress relief strategies so you can make positive changes. Motivational enhancement therapy is also useful and involves triggering powerful internal motivations for making those changes.

Heavy and long-term use of marijuana has the potential to cause dysfunction in your life. If you have struggled to control or stop use you may need some professional support. At Transformations Treatment Center we have a wide variety of resources and professional, compassionate staff who will guide you through changes that will help you manage your life and make important, lasting changes.

If you’re ready to detox from Marijuana but don’t know where to turn, reach out to one of our admissions specialists now to talk about your options.

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