The Insanity of a Family Disease

During my twenty-five year career in substance abuse treatment, I’ve frequently heard family members (and clients) insist that "Alcohol isn't his/her/my problem - drugs are!" and "Alcoholism isn't his/her/my problem - addiction is!" as if the same principles of recovery from chemical dependency don't apply to any dysfunctional situation where alcohol either isn't present or isn't present enough to be identified as the primary drug-of-choice.

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Phases of Trauma Recovery

The Many Phases of Trauma Recovery

The Many Phases of Trauma Recovery There’s no doubt that the human mind is resilient, but this doesn’t mean it’s invulnerable. Distressing and traumatic events can have significant psychological effects,…

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On A New Mission

By: David A., Transformations Alumnus My name is David Alercia and my journey all started on August 1, 2020. That day I was involved in an officer-involved shooting with a…

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Hurricane Me

By: Mike Murphy, Manager of Alumni Services Living in Florida, we know every year when Hurricane season arrives that we are playing roulette with Mother Nature. It’s not necessarily a…

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Fourth Times a Charm

By: Lisa B., Transformations Alumni Coordinator Three-time community college dropout. That was just one of many labels I had for myself during active addiction and well into early recovery as…

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Panic Disorder: What You Need to Know

Most people may feel anxiety or panic in certain situations. That’s normal and expected. Who doesn’t feel a pang of panic when they need to speak…

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Comprehensive Guide to PTSD and PTSD Treatment

With approximately one in 11 people in the United States with some form of PTSD, you probably know or have known someone with this disorder. In fact, though it was…

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Team Effort

By: Mike Murphy, Manager of Alumni Services One of the more common questions I get asked regularly pertaining to my sobriety is, “How did you get through your early sobriety?…

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By: Lisa B., Transformations Alumni Coordinator   Integrity is more than how others perceive you when you do what you say you will do and stick to your truth; it…

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You Deserve Personalized Treatment

When it comes to substance use disorder or mental illness, the evidence is clear: Treatment works. With the right treatment, an individual can recover from either of these illnesses and…

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