OCD Treatment

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a well-known mental illness, but there are many misconceptions about the disease. These false beliefs can cause people to avoid seeking OCD treatment. As research continues to show, though, this could have fatal consequences. If you suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder, the time to seek treatment is now.

When reaching out for help, it’s important to know that OCD is different for everyone. This means therapies that help one person may not be effective for another. Transformations at Mending Fences has a certified staff of professionals who recognize this reality. Review the following information, and if you need OCD treatment, please reach out to us today.

What Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

Obsessive compulsive disorder is a mental illness that will affect just over 2 percent of American adults in their lifetimes. The disease presents as a cycle of obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are uncontrollable and distressing thoughts and mental images. Compulsions are the actions people take to reduce this stress, and these actions must be “just right.”

While everyone can be obsessive about some things, OCD treatment becomes necessary when these thoughts and accompanying compulsions start to affect one’s life. Obsessive compulsive disorder can present itself in many ways. A mother may think that performing activities in a series of three, for instance, could prevent her child from dying in an accident.

While this example showcases how illogical OCD can be, it is far from representative of the disease as a whole. Because of this, therapies used during OCD treatment are wide-ranging. Finding the right treatment may take time, but this is a worthwhile effort. When you can’t live life normally due to obsessive compulsive disorder, treatment is more than just a luxury.

Are There Different Types of OCD?

While it may seem like there are different types of OCD, there are no official classifications that differentiate between separate forms of the disease. Since this mental health disorder can present itself in various ways, though, there are several recognized groups of symptoms. Obsessions and compulsions seen in OCD treatment typically fall into the following categories.


  • Contamination: Persistent worries about germs, dirt, bodily fluids and contaminants.
  • Loss of control: Fear of impulsive actions.
  • Harm: Fear that one’s actions may hurt others.
  • Perfectionism: The need to avoid all possible mistakes.
  • Religious: Obsessive concern over morality or offending God.
  • Unwanted sexual thoughts: Thoughts or impulses involving sexual obsessions, orientations or taboos.
  • Other obsessions: Thoughts involving illness/disease and superstitions are also common.


  • Washing and cleaning: Excessive washing and cleaning.
  • Checking: Compulsive checking that errors, mistakes or something unexpected has not occurred.
  • Repeating: Engaging in activities multiple times (e.g. blinking, entering/exiting doors).
  • Mental compulsions: Performing mental actions repeatedly to accomplish something (e.g. prevent others from meeting harm).
  • Other compulsions: Avoiding situations for fear of triggers, engaging in repeat behaviors for reassurance and repeatedly arranging things.

Even if these actions seem mild, sufferers should still seek OCD treatment. Unexpected events can worsen symptoms unexpectedly. Research showed that going through the COVID-19 pandemic, for instance, caused the severity of obsessive compulsive disorder to increase. Even in the absence of such triggers, though, OCD symptoms are likely to intensify over time.

Do I Need OCD Treatment?

Obsessive compulsive disorder rarely starts with a bang. Slight alterations in thought and behavior may be barely noticeable, and to the person affected, these changes may seem completely normal. This gradual onset can also occur at any age – although risk seems to reduce as people get older. Regardless of how small the symptoms seem, though, treatment is essential.

As OCD worsens, it will start to affect every aspect of a person’s life. There are several common co-occurring disorders, for instance, that could develop linked to the onset of OCD. This can lead to alcohol or drug abuse. As obsessions and compulsions worsen, an individual may also become unable to perform the simplest of necessary tasks in life.

For instance, imagine a person being repeatedly late for work because they have to keep checking the door lock. This is just a minor example of why OCD treatment may be necessary to maintain a normal life. Even scarier, though, is the risk of suicidal ideation. OCD patients are 10 times more likely to commit suicide than others.

Don’t let it get this far. Reach out for help today.

Find OCD Treatment Today

Obsessive compulsive disorder rarely receives the serious attention that it deserves. Since over half the people who deal with the illness experience significant impairment, though, OCD treatment can be an essential aspect for mental health. Without therapy, obsessions and compulsions will only worsen over time. Do not wait until symptoms become unbearable.

Transformations at Mending Fences has a staff of certified professionals who recognize the seriousness of obsessive compulsive disorder. This isn’t a quirky condition as it’s sometimes portrayed in movies, and that inaccurate belief can sometimes prove disastrous. Contact us today so we can help you get started on the path to improved mental health.


National Institute of Mental Health


Harvard Medical School


Scientific American 


International OCD Foundation


Molecular Psychiatry
