Evolv Wellness is a unique therapeutic model that incorporates outdoor activities into an individual’s mental health or addiction treatment program. This experiential approach to therapy places participants in evidence-based activities such as kayaking or rock climbing to promote personal growth and resilience—both important to recovery and sobriety. 

Combining Adventure Therapy with Behavioral Health 

Nature possesses various healing properties that can be activated by spending time outdoors. One of the most significant benefits is the increased production of serotonin due to natural sunlight exposure. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that regulates mood, happiness, and well-being. When the levels of serotonin are low, people may experience feelings of anxiety and depression, both of which are commonly seen in individuals with seasonal affective disorder (sad).

Research shows that participants feel more empowered to make changes by combining traditional therapeutic models such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or other forms of talk therapy with nature therapy. This is especially true for individuals who display avoidance behaviors, anxiety, addictive personalities, or adolescents with substance use disorders (SUDs). 

How Evolv Wellness Works 

The Evolv Wellness program utilized adventure therapy which is a type of treatment that involves groups of people engaging in outdoor activities with a common objective. Before participating in Evolv Wellness, therapists evaluate each participant to identify their unique requirements, abilities, and limitations. Based on this assessment, they create a tailored plan to support the individual in achieving their goal.

Unlike traditional therapy, Evolv Wellness therapists do not assign take-home therapies to their clients. Instead, they actively help them overcome their challenges by participating in the activities. This puts them at the participants’ level, allowing them to let their guard down and open up more comfortably.

Evolv Wellness offers various activities to help individuals overcome self-doubt, negative self-talk, and limiting beliefs. These activities encourage participants to apply coping skills and step out of their comfort zone to achieve their personal and team goals.

Evolv Wellness Activities

Experiential services such as Evolv Wellness allow clients to explore and release their emotions in a naturally therapeutic environment. For some, this may involve paddling through calm waters to ease their troubles, while for others, it could mean testing their strength through rock climbing. Regardless of the activity, adventure therapy has something to offer every participant.

In addition to mindfulness activities, adventure therapy incorporates adrenaline-inducing sports. The current list of activities offered as part of the Evolv Wellness program includes:

  • Yoga
  • Sunrise meditation
  • Tai Chi
  • Kayaking
  • Snorkeling
  • Rock climbing
  • Paddle boarding

In addition to these activities, the Transformations Treatment Center provides the opportunity to visit a sea turtle rehabilitation center. This experience allows participants to witness conservationists treating injured turtles, fostering a sense of environmental responsibility and stewardship.

How Evolv Wellness Benefits Participants

Participants in Evolv Wellness are encouraged to push their limits and take calculated risks. These are two areas people with mental health conditions and addiction may normally avoid. However, encouraging them to go through uncertainty instead of around it will make participants more optimistic and insightful.

Other adventure therapy benefits include:

  • Greater interpersonal skills
  • Improved emotional intelligence
  • Serotonin boosts 
  • Reduced feelings of depression
  • Reduced anxiety
  • Improved self-awareness
  • Increased physical stamina
  • Improved physical fitness
  • Positive social skills 
  • Improved self-esteem
  • Healthy coping skills 
  • Renewed sense of self

What to Expect in the Initial Assessment

Evolv Wellness is a therapeutic and enjoyable treatment for clients. Before enrolling a client in any activity, the therapist must first evaluate their fitness level and physical capabilities. This assessment helps determine the most suitable activities for the client and how much they can participate in them. Additionally, it enables the therapist to assess the client’s potential to achieve treatment goals through a particular activity.

During this session, participants will discuss any supplementary therapies necessary to address their addiction or mental health disorder. 

Who Is Best Suited for the Evolv Wellness Program?

Evolv Wellness is suitable for people of all ages and physical abilities. However, this program may be offered as part of a more comprehensive treatment plan, which could involve group therapy or intensive outpatient (IOP) sessions. Anyone interested in Evolv Wellness should contact the Transformations Treatment Center for an assessment.

Evolv Wellness at Transformations Treatment Center 

Evolv Wellness takes you through a truly transformative experience where you are the hero. Take part in mindfulness-based activities or thrill-seeking sports where you transcend the limitations of your body and mind. 

Our dedicated team of professionals at the Transformations Treatment Center is ready to help you reach your mental health and addiction goals one activity at a time. 

Are you ready to embark on the adventure of a lifetime? Contact us at (844) 770-0165 today!
