The Insanity of a Family Disease

During my twenty-five year career in substance abuse treatment, I’ve frequently heard family members (and clients) insist that "Alcohol isn't his/her/my problem - drugs are!" and "Alcoholism isn't his/her/my problem - addiction is!" as if the same principles of recovery from chemical dependency don't apply to any dysfunctional situation where alcohol either isn't present or isn't present enough to be identified as the primary drug-of-choice.

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A Disease, Not a Moral Failing: Why the Mindset of Addiction Matters

When you come down with a cold or flu, you don’t think you’re a bad person, right? If you break your leg, do you look at the sky and curse…

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How does alcohol affect the nervous system

How Does Alcohol Affect the Nervous System?

The National Survey on Drug Use and Health reports that over 85 percent of people of legal drinking age have consumed alcoho

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