By: Lisa B., Transformations Alumni Coordinatorpaddle board

This past weekend, I faced a major fear of mine: the ocean. Growing up in the mountains, I am no stranger to outdoor activities. I love trying new things and being outside, but the ocean has always intimidated me, and lakes have always been my happy place.

Waves, sharks, and the sea’s overall unpredictability make me uneasy, but it is also full of beauty and is an incredible place to catch a sunrise. Recovery has brought people into my life that challenge me and push me to try new things. I realized I could either sit on the sidelines (or, in this case, the coastline) and watch others live their lives, or I could get out there myself, which is exactly what I did. It was a gorgeous morning, and I was cruising along in no time, taking in the most incredible sunrise I had seen in a while.

Whenever I conquer a new fear, such as paddle boarding in the ocean, I am reminded there is beauty in conquering fear in any aspect of my life. On the other side of fear lies a sense of freedom, a deeper understanding of oneself, and the realization that our limitations often only exist in our minds. Fear, like an invisible prison, can shackle us from experiencing life’s wonders. It takes many forms, but often it’s the fear of the unknown that is the most pressing. I have realized that there are no guarantees with anything, but the other side of the unknown is usually pretty freakin’ awesome.

If you are interested in joining us for an Alumni paddleboard event for our Evolv program, get in touch with us!
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