A Guide to ADD TreatmentAttention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or ADD is a condition many children and adults deal with on a daily basis. The symptoms can be frustrating and interfere with everyday life. While there isn’t solid research on one specific cause, there are some factors into what causes this mental health disorder.

Here is a guide to ADD and its treatment. What it is, the symptoms, statistics, and what you should know to help to live with it.

Attention deficit disorder may affect your everyday life, but it doesn’t have to control it.

What is ADD?

ADD is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, also known as ADHD. In fact, ADD is its former name. It is one of the most common mental health disorders affecting children.

While it is a disorder that commonly affects children, it also affects adult too.

What are the Statistics?

According to the American Psychiatric Association:

An estimated 8.4 percent of children and 2.5 percent of adults have ADHD.ADHD is often first identified in school-aged children when it leads to disruption in the classroom or problems with schoolwork. It can also affect adults. It is more common among boys than girls.

Who Gets ADD and Why?

Like many mental health disorders, there is not one solid answer as to why someone has attention deficit disorder. And like other mental health disorders, there are a few factors which may contribute to it.

One factor is simple but leads to complex questions. It may be as simple as how our brains are hardwired. Yet, while that is an “answer” it doesn’t explain how it works other than that researchers attribute this mental health disorder as having something to do with our brain.

Genetics is another factor in someone having ADD. This is due to the statistics that show that 75 percent of children with attention deficit disorder have a relative with it.

The environment is another area that is common as a determining factor in its contribution to attention deficit disorder.. In this case, the same goes for ADD – environment may play a role in its creation.

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What are the Symptoms?

There are three types of attention deficit disorder. They are inattentive type, hyperactive/impulsive type, or combined type. The symptoms vary a bit depending on the type of ADD you have.

Inattentive Type

  • Issues focusing. This may be prevalent during classes or work where tasks or activities need completing.
  • Makes careless mistakes at work or school.
  • Has their mind elsewhere when spoken to or seems to not be listening.
  • Loses focus on work activities or school activities. Does not complete work.
  • Easily distracted
  • Does not have good organizational skills.
  • Loses things like phone, keys, notes, etc
  • Forgets daily tasks.

Hyperactive/Impulsive Type

  • Finishes people’s sentences or blurts out answers.
  • Fidgets by squirming or tapping hands or feet.
  • Difficulty waiting their turn or waiting in a line.
  • Talks too much.
  • Not able to stay seated.
  • Seems to always be on the go.
  • Cannot do leisure activities or play quietly.
  • Inappropriate climbing or playing.

The third type of attention deficit disorder is a combination of both inattentive type and hyperactive/impulsive type. A person with a combined type will have symptoms from both types.

There are also emotional difficulties present with ADD. According to Help Guide:

Many adults with ADHD have a hard time managing their feelings, especially when it comes to emotions like anger or frustration. Common emotional symptoms of adult ADHD include:

  • Being easily flustered and stressed out
  • Irritability or short, often explosive, temper
  • Low self-esteem and a sense of insecurity or underachievement
  • Trouble staying motivated
  • Hypersensitivity to criticism

How is ADD Diagnosed and Treated?

According to Psychiatry:

Many adults with ADHD do not realize they have the disorder. A comprehensive evaluation typically includes a review of past and current symptoms, a medical exam and history, and use of adult rating scales or checklists. Adults with ADHD are treated with medication, psychotherapy or a combination. Behavior management strategies, such as ways to minimize distractions and increase structure and organization, and involving immediate family members can also be helpful.

Some of the medications that help with ADD include popular names like Ritalin, Adderall, and more. It is important to note that while medication helps with ADD, it is not a cure. Instead, it should be a

There are self-help activities that may minimize some of the effects of ADD. These include:

  • Eating healthier. Getting plenty of vitamins and minerals while eating a balanced diet at regular times is proactive in helping with ADD.
  • Better sleep. Good, quality sleep is imperative to a healthier lifestyle and to help with attention deficit disorder.
  • By exercising, it is healthy for your mind and body. It also immediately boosts the brain’s dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin levels–all of which affect focus and attention.
  • There are relaxation techniques that help with attention focus. They also minimize depression, anxiety, and impulsivity. Yoga, meditation, and relaxation techniques all help with symptoms of attention deficit disorder.

We Can Help

At Transformations, we create a treatment plan that is customized for each person. We don’t believe in a quick fix or cookie-cutter treatments. Instead, we have a variety of options including group therapy, individual therapy, and family therapy. One of the most successful forms of treatment is behavioral therapy, which we provide at our treatment centers.

Our treatment centers also specialize in holistic therapy as well as experiential treatment. If you or someone you know has attention deficit disorder and would like to get help, please contact us and let us tailor a treatment plan.