How the heck is it November already? I know spooky season is technically over, but I personally love a good thriller year-round. Besides, Thanksgiving is a holiday for families I like to think, and that’s what my Netflix pick of the month is all about, a family – a corrupted family, plagued by death and tragedy, but a family nonetheless. This month, I am recommending you all watch The Haunting of Hill House. Directed by Mike Flanagan, this mini series is about a family who is forced to relive horrors of their pasts and face truths they may not want to face in order to halt the domino effect of tragedy that comes with their denial. Each episode depicts a different character’s perspective of what it was like for him or her during childhood and what it’s like present-time. I was practically biting my nails and holding my breath watching The Haunting of Hill House, and I almost guarantee this show will have you all at the edge of your seats, too. Follow along with the Crain family for a constant thrilling viewing experience – and if you tend to get nightmares easily, I encourage you to watch with a roommate or a friend.