By: Rian H., Transformations Alumnus

When I came to TTC in February of 2020 I was lost. I didn’t know what I was doing with my life. After 19 years of IMG 0848 1 drinking and drugging, I had finally had enough. Between my losing my relationships and my declining I decided to give treatment a try. My experience with the program was great. They had a veteran and first responder program that exceeded my expectations. I was able to connect again with my fellow veterans and work on my military trauma with my therapist. The program was amazing and the staff helped me out a lot in so many ways.

My journey after treatment was a long hard road. I had all the tools that I had learned from TTC but the real world doesn’t change because you have. I took on a lot when I got out. I went back to school and got a job. That’s what I thought I had to do. Turns out taking on a lot at once can also have a huge impact on your sobriety. My program became nonexistent and I wasn’t practicing the tools I had been taught. Eventually, I fell back into old behaviors and I relapsed. I went on to do this three more times that year and every time that happened TTC allowed me to come back. They were always there to help me try and get sober. They never judged me or made me feel bad about myself over it.
In March of 2021, I came back to TTC after going on a long run. This was the fourth time in a year that I was back atIMG 1891 1 square one. On my first day back I was asked what was going to be different this time. I thought about that for a while. I decided everything had to change this time around. My whole mindset had to change. Because if it didn’t I wouldn’t have long to live. My health was very bad. So I decided that I would do everything it took this time. I took suggestions, I went in halfway after because someone had suggested it to me. I got a sponsor and I went through the steps. All these were something I never tried the previous times. It wasn’t easy during my first year but I never gave up.
In March of 2022 I became a BHT at transformations. It was a very big accomplishment for me. I wanted to give back and share my experience with others. Show them that this is possible. Even when it seems like all is lost. I have a life beyond my wildest dreams and Transformation played a vital part in my journey. I will forever be grateful for this program and all the staff.