Fentanyl Abuse: Effects, Signs & Symptoms

Fentanyl Abuse: Effects, Signs & SymptomsRecovery from fentanyl problems is a challenge in the best of circumstances. To make the most of your situation, you and your loved ones need verifiable information that supports smart decisions and steers you clear of myths and preconceptions. With this in mind, let’s examine several of the most crucial areas of concern for anyone recovering from fentanyl abuse or addiction.

Symptoms and Side Effects of Fentanyl Abuse

Fentanyl1 is one of the world’s most potent synthetic opioids. Among other things, this means that even relatively minor misuse of the medication can set the stage for addiction. Like all other forms of opioid addiction, fentanyl problems fall under the umbrella of a defined condition known as opioid use disorder2. Even if you’re not addicted, you can meet the criteria for this disorder if you have symptoms of non-addicted fentanyl abuse.

People with diagnosable fentanyl addiction/abuse develop symptoms such as:

  • Multiple failed attempts to stop consuming the medication
  • Loss of control over how many times you use fentanyl
  • Loss of control over how much fentanyl you take at once
  • Abandonment of previous recreational activities so you can use the medication
  • Strong urges for fentanyl between periods of intake
  • Recurring intake of the medication in physically dangerous or hazardous situations
  • Continued intake of the medication after its use damages your mental or physical abilities
  • Continuation of your fentanyl intake after your family or friends object to your misuse of the medication
  • The need to take larger and larger doses of fentanyl to feel its expected impact
  • A level of medication misuse that reduces your ability to perform well at work, at school or in your day-to-day home life

Fentanyl misuse is often associated with severe forms of opioid use disorder. There are two reasons for this fact. First, as the National Institute on Drug Abuse reports, significant numbers of people with existing opioid problems seek out fentanyl because of its known potency relative to other options such as heroin and morphine3. In addition, in and of itself, the medication’s potency can speed up the process of addiction and lead to the faster onset of symptoms.

Signs of Abuse

Apart from the core symptoms of opioid use disorder, you may also notice other signs of fentanyl problems in people who misuse the medication. Common issues include4:

  • Bouts of panic
  • Problems coordinating your body movements
  • Unusual mood fluctuations
  • Excessive tiredness
  • Slurring of words
  • An irritable or depressed state of mind
  • Nausea with or without vomiting
  • An unusually careless or lackadaisical attitude
  • An increase in poor judgment
  • Constipation

Even if you follow every guideline for your fentanyl prescription, you can develop a physical dependence on the medication. In the case of opioids, dependence is a medically manageable state that differs from full-blown addiction. It’s important to note that most Americans who engage in purposeful fentanyl misuse do not obtain the medication through a legitimate prescription. Instead, they gain access to illicit products imported into the country. It’s also important to note that manufacturers of other types of illicit opioids may add fentanyl to their products without your knowledge.

Reach Out For Help

We provide holistic care and treatment using an individualized approach specifically tailored to your needs. Our holistic care and treatment is based on the best scientific evidence available. Secondly, we help you lead a healthy, substance-free life with adaptive coping and problem-solving skills. Don’t let Fentanyl abuse control your life. Our addiction professionals can help you get on a path of recovery, significantly changing your life. Contact us today for more information on our certified staff of professionals, as well as our first-rate facilities.

  1. U.S. National Library of Medicine – MedlinePlus: Fentanyl
  2. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: Substance Use Disorders
  3. National Institute on Drug Abuse: Addressing America’s Fentanyl Crisis
  4. American Academy of Family Physicians: Opioid Addiction