Xanax Treatment & Rehab

Xanax Treatment & RehabTreatment for Xanax addiction disorder is not based on the use of medications. As a frontline alternative, addiction specialists turn to behavioral psychotherapy, a school of psychotherapy designed to help you change your habitual patterns of thought and action. The primary behavioral options for people with Xanax-related problems are psychoeducation, motivation-based therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

Psychoeducation is a family-based therapy that helps you understand the underlying basis of addiction and air interpersonal disputes in a safe setting. It also teaches you act as your own ally and advocate during the course of your treatment. Motivation-based therapy helps you overcome any internal resistance to the need to address your Xanax misuse, while CBT1 teaches you how to change your thought and behavior in ways that help you steer clear of future substance problems.

Like all forms of SHA-use disorder, Xanax-related problems can be mild, moderate or severe. The presence of mild problems may make you a candidate for participation in an outpatient program. On the other hand, the presence of moderate or severe problems may be best addressed in an inpatient program. Severe abuse/addiction may also call for a form of treatment called partial hospitalization.

If you or your loved one are concerned about the damaging impact of Xanax misuse, Transformations Treatment Center can help. Our state-of-the-art approach focuses on therapy with proven effectiveness in helping people recover from tranquilizer-related issues. And to ensure that you’re treated as a person, not a number, we also offer a range of complementary programs that you can choose according to your needs and preferences. Under the guidance of our licensed, certified staff, you’ll find everything required to help you establish an enduring sober lifestyle. For more information, contact us today.

Reach Out For Help

We provide holistic care and treatment using an individualized approach specifically tailored to your needs. Our goal is to help you lead a healthy, substance-free life with adaptive coping and problem-solving skills. Contact us today for more information on our certified staff of professionals and first-rate facilities.